av Nathalie Blomstereng | nov 30, 2023 | Screenings day 2, Selected film
Joseph Schumpeter All screenings About This video is an animated explainer video covering Joseph Schumpeters theories related to capitalism, economic growth and innovation. It tries to explain complex abstract theories in a simpel way. Specifications Director...
av Nathalie Blomstereng | nov 30, 2023 | Screenings day 3, Selected film
Classified people All screenings About In 1948, a racial classification law was proclaimed in South Africa. Robert is judged to be of mixed race by the administrative court, while his wife and children are classified as white and reject him. With Doris, his second...
av Nathalie Blomstereng | nov 28, 2023 | Screenings day 3, Selected film
The music factory Musikkfabrikken All screenings About In “The Music Factory” we meet Herbert, who has synesthesia; a cross-sensory condition that makes him see shapes and colours when he hears sound and music and we are presented with the story of how he found his...
av Nathalie Blomstereng | nov 28, 2023 | Screenings day 1, Selected film
Attachment Theory: How childhood affects life All screenings About The attachment theory argues that a strong emotional and physical bond to one primary caregiver in our first years of life is critical to our development. If our bonding is strong and we are securely...
av Nathalie Blomstereng | nov 28, 2023 | MiniTREFF, Screenings day 2, Selected film
Tell me what I see Fortell meg hva jeg ser All screenings About Simen studies sociology at the university. As a visually impaired student, it requires a little extra to study on an equal footing with others. The film Tell Me What I See follows Simen in everyday...