Tell me what I see

Fortell meg hva jeg ser

Tell me what I see a selected film for Tromsø Educational Film Festival 2024 (TREFF)


Simen studies sociology at the university. As a visually impaired student, it requires a little extra to study on an equal footing with others. The film Tell Me What I See follows Simen in everyday situations and on campus to show how small accomodations can help to improve the experience of being a student.


Director Biography

The director of this movie Andreas Schille works with video production for education at the university NTNU in Norway. He is also a documentary filmmaker.

Pedagogical value

The background for creating the documentary film Tell me what I see was a need to put emphasis on necessary accommodations for students with visual disabilities. 

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Teachers in Higher education need to have in mind that there might be students in their classes who need small accommodations to be able to follow their teaching. The film aims to motivate educators to have such students in mind when confronted with requirements of accessibility. By showing the story of Simen, a student in sociology with limited vision and hearing, and by experiencing his everyday life and listening to his reflections teachers should be better prepared to meet a diverse crowd of students in their classroom. Both in terms of knowing what accommodations that is relevant and seeing the person behind, could be Simen or it could be some other student with other needs. Also their effort should be more targeted, and their motivation to investigate what resources necessary to achieve the appropriate level of accessibility should be heightened. The pedagogical aims are thru experiential learning and identification with the main character affect the audience emotionally and possibly change attitudes and create reflection. An important part of the pedagogical activity is the discussion that occurs after screening the film. Here students or teachers are encouraged to share their thoughts and have a discussion afterwards. I hope that the film will create a strong commitment in students, teachers and others in putting accessibility as a high priority. I also hope that the film can motivate students with limitations to put in the necessary effort to make the best out of their situation as students. Also lower the threshold to tell the professor or other students about his or her situation, and be conscious of their rights.


"I work with documentary with an investigative approach, trying to get close and develop a personal contact with the subjects in my films."

Director Andreas Schille


Read about the other selected films

What are plastics?
What are plastics?

While making an online course about reducing plastic waste, Jostein realizes he doesn’t quite know what plastic really is. He embarks on a quest to the university to find out.

Incognito mode
Incognito mode

This animation addresses the need for education to address easily accessible internet pornography, especially as it impacts young people’s lives.

Ocean Portrait – The children by the North Sea
Ocean Portrait – The children by the North Sea

This documentary is about a research and art project carried out in kindergartens in Øygarden municipality in 2022, near Bergen. In a joint project, we staged joint exploration of life in the biotope between land and sea with the aim of an aesthetic look at the sea and a local mindset and value set.

UiT Norges Arktiske Universitet

Hansine Hansens veg 18, 9019 Tromsø

Vitensenteret Tromsø
Tromsø International Film Festival
Verdensteateret Cinemateket Tromsø