Modulasjon til dominantparallell

Modulation to the third-degree minor key

Eksempler fra musikklitteraturen


They can´t take that away
(G. Gershwin)

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Modulasjon til dominantparallell i sangens B-del, 0:45-ca 0:58 i innspillingen.

There is a modulation to the third-degree minor key in the song’s B-section, 0:45-ca 0:58.

Do you hear the people
(C.M. Schöneberg)

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Modulasjon til dominantparallell 0:28 i innspillingen.
Modulerer videre til dominant: 0:41.
Modulerer tilbake til dp: 1:07.
Modulerer igjen til dominant 1:18 og forblir der ut sangen.

There is a modulation to the third-degree minor key at 0:28. It continues to the dominant key at 0:41. It goes back to the 3rd-degree key at 1:07. It goes to the dominant key again at 1:18 and stays there until the end of the song.

Norge, mitt Norge
(A. Paulsen)

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Utsving til dominantparallell 0:30-0:37 i sangen.

There is a short modulation to the third-degree minor key at 0:30- 0:37.

Per l’altro il Consolato
(G. Puccini)

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Utsving til dominantparallell 0:13-0:25 i første vers. Tilsvarende modulasjon i vers 2 og 3.
I notebildet: første utsving starter 12.takt i tall 32. Modulasjon tilbake til hovedtoneart 2.takt i tall 33.

There is a short modulation to the third-degree minor key at 0:13- 0:25 in the first verse. There are similar modulations in the 2nd and 3rd verse. In the sheet music, you’ll find the first short modulation in the 12th bar of rehearsal number 32. It goes back to the tonic key in the 2nd bar of rehearsal number 33.