Dominant med kvart-sekstforholdning

Six-four suspension on the Dominant chord 


Auditiv analyse-oppgaver/ Auditive analysis-exercises

Das klinget so herrlich
(W.A. Mozart)

Mr. Duports menuett
(W.A. Mozart)


Hornkonsert, sats 2: Romanze
(W.A. Mozart)


Dona nobis pacem

Bassgangøvelser, syng & spill -øvelser

Exercises with the bass line and sing- and play exercises

Dominant med kvart-kvintforholdning

Five-four suspension on the Dominant chord 

Auditiv analyse-oppgaver/ Auditive analysis-exercises

Lascia ch’io pianga
(G.F. Haendel)

Fløytekvartett 1, sats 2
(J. Haydn)


Bassgangøvelser, syng & spill -øvelser

Exercises with the bass line and sing- and play exercises