Dominantens submediant (Ds): Ingannosekvens

 The Dominant’s submediant (Ds): Inganno sequence


Auditiv analyse-oppgaver/ Auditive analysis-exercises

Canon in D-major
(J. Pachelbel)


Humoristisk om harmonikken i Pachelbels kanon i D:

A funny video about the harmonic structure of Pachelbel’s canon in D:

Bassgangøvelser, syng & spill -øvelser

Exercises with the bass line and sing- and play exercises

Ds etter Dominant

 Ds following the Dominant

Auditiv analyse-oppgaver/ Auditive analysis-exercises

Tenn lys
(S. Tveit)


Bassgangøvelser, syng & spill -øvelser

Exercises with the bass line and sing- and play exercises