Denne modulen inneholder ulike typer oppgavemateriale innen harmonikk. Alt oppgavemateriale kan lastes ned og skrives ut.
Modulen er under bygging, og det vil legges ut mye mer materiale i løpet av 2024. Metodiske anvisninger vil også legges ut våren 2024.
Oppgavematerialet er bygget rundt den norske varianten av det Rehmannske analysesystemet, men kan også brukes med andre relative analysesystem.
English introduction
This module contains various types of harmonic exercises and materials. All study materials can be downloaded and printed. Musicificium is currently in the process of building this module, and more materials will be added throughout 2024. Methodical instructions will also be available in spring 2024.
The exercise material is based on the Norwegian variant of the Rehmann analysis system, but can also be used with other relative analysis systems.
S= Subdominant
Ts= Tonic’s submediant (6th degree minor chord when in a major key)
Ss=Subdominant’s submediant (2. degree minor chord when in a major key)
Ds=Dominant’s submediant (3. degree minor chord when in a major key)
(D)= Secondary dominant
DD= Double dominant
Numbers beneath the symbol show the chor’s bass tone (ex: a dominant with a 3 beneath, symbolizes a dominant in the first inversion). Numbers to the symbol’s right show additional chord tones such as sevenths. Numbers to the symbol’s left show suspension tones (ex: 64 to the symbol’s left shows a 64-suspension of the chord).