Student teachers going abroad

Students going abroad a film selected for Tromsø Educational Film Festival 2024 (TREFF).


These films are made for preparing student teachers going abroad for their practicum. Based on students earlier experiences, we developed three different cases, which were the point of departure for improvisatons that were filmed. We devloped a pedagogical framework to be used in connection with the films. Student teachers were actors, and fellow students gave feed-back on the film and the pedagogical resources.


Director Biography

Tove Leming is a professor in social science education at UiT, The Arctic University of Norway. She teaches didactics and methods in teacher education.  She is concerned with student-active ways of working and with the students’ professional and personal development during the course of their education. Her particular focus is on cultural encounters and internationalization in teacher education, particularly through exchanges and practice abroad. Another focus is on student teachers’ new role as research students in a 5-year master’s programme, and what challenges this entails in the relationships between university teachers, practice teachers and students. 

Tove Leming is head of the research group LIFT (“Teacher education in times of change”) at the Department of Teacher Education and Pedagogy at UiT. This research group has its main focus on teacher education and the link between teacher education and field of practice. 

Anne Eriksen is a professor in drama and theater at UiT, The Arctic University of Norway. She has many years of experience as a drama and theater teacher in higher education and has developed several educational videos.  She teaches drama and theater as a subject and in interdisciplinary contexts. The research interests are theater for and with children, applied theater and theater, democracy and cultural encounters. 

Pedagogical value

The pedagogical framework consists of different student active excersises like role-play, dialogues, creative writing, etc.. Students will be inspired to reflect upon cultural encounters and challenges they will meet when they start their practicum abroad. The films will be used on preparatory courses before going abroad for practicicum. This is a part of the teacher education program at The Arctic University of Tromsø.



Read about the other selected films

What are plastics?
What are plastics?

While making an online course about reducing plastic waste, Jostein realizes he doesn’t quite know what plastic really is. He embarks on a quest to the university to find out.

Incognito mode
Incognito mode

This animation addresses the need for education to address easily accessible internet pornography, especially as it impacts young people’s lives.

Ocean Portrait – The children by the North Sea
Ocean Portrait – The children by the North Sea

This documentary is about a research and art project carried out in kindergartens in Øygarden municipality in 2022, near Bergen. In a joint project, we staged joint exploration of life in the biotope between land and sea with the aim of an aesthetic look at the sea and a local mindset and value set.

UiT Norges Arktiske Universitet

Hansine Hansens veg 18, 9019 Tromsø

Vitensenteret Tromsø
Tromsø International Film Festival
Verdensteateret Cinemateket Tromsø