Thank you

Thank You for Making TREFF 2024 a Success!

The first Tromsø Educational Film Festival was a remarkable success. Our vision for TREFF was to create a vibrant space where education and film professionals could connect and collaborate, and the festival atmosphere surpassed our expectations.

Approximately 100 participants from various countries gathered to watch and discuss educational films. Many of the directors of the screened films were present, sharing their insights and engaging in meaningful discussions about the educational purposes of their work.

Over the course of three days, we showcased 22 films from around the world, enjoyed inspiring keynote presentations, and experienced innovative installations that highlighted new learning experiences. Highlights included a reception and Northern Lights presentation at the planetarium on Wednesday night, and a festive dinner at Maskinversktedet on Thursday, attended by around 70 participants.

On Friday, we convened at Verdensteatret, Europe’s oldest functioning cinema. After the final film screenings, we held an awards ceremony (read more about the awards here).

We are deeply grateful for this experience and extend our heartfelt thanks to everyone who attended, contributing to the friendly and inspiring festival atmosphere. The positive feedback we received has motivated us to begin planning TREFF 2026. We look forward to welcoming both old friends and new faces then!

Phot of someone taking a photo of a screen at the Planetarium