Registration is open

We are pleased to announce that we are open for registration for the upcoming festival in 2024! We aim for TREFF to not just be a film festival, but also a conference where film makers, pedagogues and teachers in higher education can meet, share experiences and be inspired. Welcome!

Registration for Tromsø Educational Film Festival 2024 is now open.

Don't miss out on this opportunity to become a part of this great community of filmmakers and educators."

How can film promote learning?

Film as a medium cannot magically fix or increase learning, but when combined in a pedagogical context, it can be a useful tool to support students in their own learning process.

If you are a filmmaker, pedagogue or teacher working with film and learning, we hope you want to be a part of this event that combines conference and festival! TREFF is also for those not initially interested in using film in teaching. If you are concerned with student learning and good pedagogical practices in higher education, this festival is just right for you. TREFF aims to inspire more people to take the plunge and use film for their own teaching.


Latest dates of registration:                 March 05th, 2024

Dates for the festival:                             March 13th – 15th, 2024

What will you get?

  • Exiting films screened at UiT The Arctic University of Norway, The Northern Lights Planetarium and Verdensteateret
  • Trying out innovative teaching methods at our show room
  • Presentations by filmmakers and teachers showcasing films
  • Interesting key note speakers
  • Exchange of experiences
  • Lunch all days at all locations as well as a buffet at The Northern Lights Planetarium
  • The possibility to participate at a dinner at Maskinverkstedet

Tromsø is a small but vibrant city in the North of Norway surrounded by mountains and the sea. The city offers an easy access to stunning nature as well as an academic and creative environment at UiT The Arctic University of Norway.

Don’t miss out on this opportunity to become a part of this great community of filmmakers and educators.

Visit our program page for more information.



Want to participate at our festival? Register here:

Awards & prizes

There will be an award ceremony at the last day of the festival where some films will get some extra recognition.